1m-Spiegelteleskop: S04311 -- Polsequenz (Farbindizes) --

Norden = oben, Osten = links, falls nicht auf der Fotoplatte anders beschriftet
Scan ST04311 Plattenhuelle ST04311

Zum Datum gehörender Logbucheintrag
Plattenverzeichnis Eintrag04311 Plattenverzeichnis: ganze Seite04311

Zum Datum gehörende Seiten des Beobachtungsbuches
Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311 Scan ST04311

Photographic plates of Hamburg Observatory were obtained using various telescopes operating from 1911 to the end of the 20th century. The plates were digitized using professional flatbed scanners of type EPSON Expression 10000XL and were processed to the present digital form. The plate digitization project (D.Groote) was funded by DFG grant GR969/4-1.
Investigators using these scans are kindly requested to include the above acknowledgements in any publications.
The material in this archive can be used for scientific purposes free of charge. Any other usage requires the written permission of the director of Hamburger Sternwarte.
Copyright ©2010-2017 Hamburger Sternwarte, Fachbereich Physik, MIN-Fakultät, Universität Hamburg. All rights reserved.

yscan-Datei = S04311.fits, (Norden = links, Osten = oben)
